
Congratulations Dr Canedo-Ribeiro!
Dr Carla Canedo-Ribeiro successfully defended her Viva on June 2024!!!!
Three PhD students graduated between 2023-2024!

Congratulations Dr Burden!
Dr Burden successfully defended her Viva on April 2024!!!!

Congratulations to Dr Arias-Sardá!
The first PhD student of the lab graduates - Congratulations Dr Arias-Sardá!!!!

Visit of the new member of the lab
From left to right: Cristina, Sarah, baby Neil, Corey and Frances

Lab outing at the Aspinall Foundation
From left to right: Peter, Dadu, Sarah, Cristina, Marta (and baby Neil in the making), Carla F, Corey, Frances and Carla C

The paper mug celebrating the Nature Comms paper and enjoying the warm weather!
With Dadu and Frances

11th March 2022 - Lab dinner - just because!
After so many months having online meetings, we decided to go out for a curry.
On the left: Dadu, Cristina, Marta, Corey
On the right: Frances, Peter, Carla and Carla

1st June 2021 - First in person meet up since the pandemic began!
We walked 6K and had lunch at Hook and Hatchet in the Hucking state. From left to right: Frances, Dadu, Peter and Marta in front.
We recorded this video during Summer 2020 to enter the PacBio competition. We were not even shortlisted! But we had tones of fun doing it!

Starting a New Tradition in the lab - the Paper Mug!
The Paper Mug for the first first-authorship publication of every member of the lab!
Here is Corey's mug for his publication on Water voles. You can read it here

First Christmas Party of the lab!
From left to right: Cristina Arias, Lucía Alvarez (visiting student from Dr Aurora Ruiz-Herrera's lab), Marta Farré and Corey Kirkland

First Master's student in the lab graduates!
Emma Leach presented her MSc-R work on the Master's day at University of Kent -- August 2019